Sublimation Tumbler Designs Bundle – Growing Collection

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I have been working at collecting and making this collection of tumbler designs for a while. Some are my own designs, some are ones widely found on the web. I have taken the time to make these as simple as possible for someone wanting to get started with sublimation tumblers.

All designs are saved to individual PDF files with the design saved to the size it needs to be (9.3″ x 8.2″) to fit a 20 oz skinny tumbler. Some are for other sizes and the file name will specify that. There are currently 252 files available, as well as matching mockups of each design on their corresponding tumbler or cup. This was a huge undertaking and I would love to share it with my community.

The only thing you have to do to print these, is make sure your sublimation ready printer is set to mirror in your computer settings. Make sure you have your pdf viewing software set to print at actual size or full size. Which ever wording means it won’t shrink the print.

I personally would recommend at least having the Free Adobe Reader software as that will work best in making sure you are keeping your print to the right size.

I am offering this access to the drive at only $5.00 at this time!

*  Continuous Access to a growing collection of Tumbler Sublimation Designs – Currently at 252 Designs
*  Matching Mockups to every design offered
*  NEW!! Adding video mockups of each design! This is slow going, but you will get access to these too and the file sizes on the videos are small and easy to use. Once I am done with whats in the drive the price of the access will go up to $10.00 so get in NOW!!

Get your Access Now for Only $5.oo


  1. I purchased the $5 offer you gave and it is very difficult to download in drive from macbook pro. I have to be doing something wrong and have tried to figure it out all day. I did download about 20 items and somehow lost all the 200 you sent. I thought there was a login page but I can not find it. Thank you for all the great graphics! The colors are so vibrant!

    1. Good Morning Becky, I just sent you an email. For others if you run into the issue of finding the drive again, it should show up in Google Drive in the left sidebar under “Shared with me” or just reopen the pdf you receive and click the link in the pdf again 🙂

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