I discovered this color chart online, but it was all in one file which made it super hard to read the numbers if you printed it out, so I made it, so you could print it out and bind it, …
A Note to my Fans
First off I want to thank you all for the love you all show me when I manage to pop out a new design. I know it is not as frequent as some sites, but I work full time and …
Another List of Free Graphics Links
As much as I would love for everyone to always turn to me for their Free Graphics, let’s face it, I am only one girl and the world is full of otherΒ very talented artists. You have all seen my very …
Creating Layered SVG Graphics in Illustrator for Cricut Design Space
I give you step by step directions on how to take a basic cartoon graphic and turn it into a layer svg file, that will become suitable for importing into Cricut Design Space and where it will cut at its …
Site Tips & Tricks
Anytime I share my post about the designs being free I always get a few that have a hard time finding where to download the files, so watch this tutorial so you get the correct files and don’t miss any …